The Cobbler Has No Shoes
Apr 19th, 2009 11:04 pmSmall business owners know what it means to have no shoes today. You are so busy running your business that somehow the greatest thing you do for others, you don't have for yourself. Well, here at Avallo, it was the same thing. We are creating some great technical websites for our clients but sadly our website sat idle. We made a commitment a month ago to change that. We had a new opportunity that was slow to move because we didn't communicate through our site all of our newest services. It was time to make a brand new pair of shoes.
So today we premier our new site. It will grow as we add more of the cool new technologies and our success stories. Check out our new portfolio featuring database websites like this one.
For all the super techies, Weston will be sharing his wisdom as well. We are developing our own Content Management System and will be in testing mode this spring. We are working to develop a network team of Super Marketeers and there will be more on that to come. We are working with some local schools to get the kind of web programmers needed that just are not available in the area right now. We are also volunteering to help the new non profit Maple Grove Art Center get off the ground and bring fine art class and art shows to the Maple Grove community.
Our new shoes will be getting dirty very quickly and this time they will be replaced with new ones right away so we can keep on moving forward. Call me to get your new pair of shoes. You'll be surprised at how fast you will be able to run.